ENTREPRENEURSHIP as a subject-To study or not to study??

ENTREPRENEURSHIP as a subject-To study or not to study??

This blog is not to force Entrepreneurship on the students, rather enable them and parents to come to a logical decision while selecting upon Entrepreneurship as an optional/additional subject at senior level.Inspite of rapidly gaining ground in the educational arena there seems to remain some myths, notions, and confusions relating to ENTREPRENEURSHIP. My sole intention is to clear the confusions and help students and parents in better decision making while choosing this optional subject. Here are a few Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ's) on Entrepreneurship with the probable answers. Check them out.


ENTREPRENEURSHIP is an optional subject offered by the CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION(CBSE) at class XI-XII level and is rapidly gaining ground as a specialization stream in various post-graduate and undergraduate management programs.
Entrepreneurship education seeks to provide students with the knowledge, skills and motivation to encourage entrepreneurial success in a variety of settings.

Q2. Who can opt for ENTREPRENEURSHIP?

Senior level students of any discipline provided the school offers it as a subject. But yes it will be of utmost help to students pursuing Commerce or to those students who prefer being THE BOSS rather than saying a "YES BOSS".

Q3. Why shall a student choose ENTREPRENEURSHIP as an optional subject?

There are multiple reasons why a student might find opting for ENTREPRENEURSHIP profitable and justified. Here are a few points
A. It is a practical based subject and hence lucratively scoring. Getting a 30 out of 30 in practical isn't a mission impossible.
B. The projects come as a breath of fresh air and break the monotony of "All Theory"
C. If you are creative and innovative and eager to make your own mark rather than follow then it will be foolish to stay away from ENTREPRENEURSHIP in the long run.
D. If you are a commerce student then there isn't a reason why you shouldn't opt for ENTREPRENEURSHIP.
E. This optional subject shall not be a burden on you, rather it compliments the other subjects and is closely related to those thereby not creating added pressure on the students.

Q4. How dull or boring is ENTREPRENEURSHIP as a subject?

No subject is dull or boring and ENTREPRENEURSHIP is definitely not. Our knack and love for a subject make all the difference. Once you get the essence of Entrepreneurship, you will start loving it.

Q5. How can one say that ENTREPRENEURSHIP is related to many other subjects?

Entrepreneurship is new as a subject in comparison to many other subjects but it encompasses the concepts of various other subjects in it and is comprehensive in nature which makes it easy to understand, for example
A. Income Statements, Cash flow Statements, Accounting Ratios, computation of Gross and Net Working Capital are common to both ACCOUNTANCY and ENTREPRENEURSHIP.
B. Break Even Analysis, Computation of Total Cost, Total Fixed and Variable Cost finds a place in both ECONOMICS and ENTREPRENEURSHIP.
C. Classification of trade and commerce, Economic - Non-Economic Activities, Forms of Business Organisation and other such concepts are to be studied both in BUSINESS STUDIES and ENTREPRENEURSHIP.
D. Advertising, Marketing, Promotional strategies are common in both MARKETING MANAGEMENT and ENTREPRENEURSHIP.
E. Per unit cost determination, EOQ are concepts common to COSTING as well as ENTREPRENEURSHIP.
..........The list is endless.

Q6.Will colleges consider the marks obtained in ENTREPRENEURSHIP at class XII level for the purpose of admission to bachelor degree course?

Yes, colleges have been considering and they will consider but there might be a certain marks criteria.

Q7.Can Maths and ENTREPRENEURSHIP both be simultaneously taken at XI-XII level?

Absolutely, provided the school offers such a combination. Many schools are currently allowing their students to keep both as subjects as this is considered as a good and beneficial combination.

Q8. Is mugging up the only way to score high marks in ENTREPRENEURSHIP?

A MYTH. Gone are the days when one could simply mug up,vomit and score high. Thanks to the changes in the current syllabus and question pattern,it is absolutely essential for students to develop and work on their analytical skills. Entrepreneurship papers are mostly application based making the subject even more interesting and challenging.

Q9.Does having ENTREPRENEURSHIP  as an optional subject stop one from getting an honors degree?

Who says? There are many students pursuing B.COM(HONS) who had Accountancy, English, Business Studies, Economics, Maths and ENTREPRENEURSHIP at their +2 level. Subjects usually don't pose a problem, poor marks do.

Q10.How useful shall ENTREPRENEURSHIP be at the college level?

Honestly speaking the concepts of ENTREPRENEURSHIP shall remain of use to you throughout life. And yes talking about colleges, Entrepreneurship Development is offered as a subject in some colleges at bachelor level.

11.What if I want to do an advanced course in ENTREPRENEURSHIP?

Why not? Go ahead. There are many colleges offering advanced courses on ENTREPRENEURSHIP. A few of them are:-
A. iLEAD- Institute of Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Development.
B. Indian Institute Of Entrepreneurship.
C. Xavier Institute Of Management And Entrepreneurship.
D. Entrepreneurship Development Institute Of India.
E. Institute For Future Education, Entrepreneurship & Leadership.
F. The Bhawanipur Education Society College.
..........And many more such institutes.

12. Why should ENTREPRENEURSHIP be encouraged in schools and colleges, by teachers and parents, by the country as a whole?

A. We live in a world in which the future is uncertain, so students need skills that will allow them to make their own way.
B. Students need opportunities for creativity, innovation and collaboration in school.
C. Students need to learn how to identify problems or needs before they learn problem-solving.
D. The need of the hour is more job creators than job seekers. Entrepreneurship has perhaps emerged as the best possible answer to sustainable economic growth, empowerment and job creation.

Hope this blog has been useful. Share your views. Keep a watch on my next blog which shall be more like a tutorial and help you understand the subject better.

With love...
PDG Ma'am.


  1. Impressive!Thanks for the complete briefing on the topic �� ����

    1. Thank you for appreciating. Stay blessed and do keep urself updated

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you for appreciating. Stay blessed and remain updated.

  3. Very nicely written...soo usefull thankyou 😊😊👍👍👌

    1. Thank you so much. Do check out the updates. Stay blessed.

  4. Entrepreneurship is not just a subject.Its a broader concept stated simply a in way of gripping over things which you love doing which is your own thing,your way of doing something that makes you different from others,your idea,your creativity,your way of executing things..I took out my ideas and put it up on a professional platform...much thanks and love to Pdg ma’am for bringing interest in the subject not just as a subject but to take it up as a profession.

  5. @pdg Mam, beautifully expressed but I would also like to add my perspective that entrepreneurship not just in terms of opting in HS but also living your life as an entrepreneur even if you're working. Its more like creating our ecosystem wherever we exist in our professional lives. Talking in terms of Entrepreneurship as a discipline, I would really take this opportunity to thank you for introducing me to this discpline, and the most important aspect of entrepreneurship i.e. Advertising and Marketing which I chose as my career and today I can say that I live my life like an entrepreneur.

    1. Thank you so much. Please share the blog with friends if you have found this useful. Stay blessed.

  6. Entrepreneurship itself means being creative, innovative and doing something out of the box..

    In this competive market being innovative and creative is the thumb rule to survive.

    Those who are fortunate enough to have studied about a subject called Entrepreneurship can easily understand the market and find out creativity in each and every possible way.. they also develop problem solving and risk taking skills in the tenure of the course

    These are the once who later emerge as businessman.

    Entreprensurship should be encouraged so that wr can have more and more businessman in our country and also more and more creativity and innovations come out of the youth, on the other hand new business and start ups will generate employment and then I can see the India will be moving from develeping country towards a developed country soon

    Think EPistic
    Think Critical
    You are the face of India :)

    1. Thank you so such. Pls do share the blog if you find it useful. Do keep yourself updated.

  7. Thankyou so much mam for spreading important threads of entrepreneurship and making the youth aware about the subject so that they can innovate and create a developed society.You are the greatest ever teacher I have ever seen for this subject,You make your students to think differently so that they can come with flying colours in life.
    Once again thankyou so much mam.

    1. Thank you so much. Share the blog if you find it useful. Keep a watch on the next blog. Wish u all success :-)

    2. Thank you PDG ma'am for sharing your knowledge. Many people consider entrepreneurship just as a subject but in reality it's more than a subject.

    3. Thanx a ton. I hope people will understand the importance of entrepreneurship in the coming days.

  8. Entrepreneurship as a subject serves as an excellent foundation for the creative, innovative ideas we need to succeed in the modern times. It teaches people to cultivate unique skills and think out of the box. A wide range of business relevant skills are acquired by studying this subject. The subject helps in creating forward thinking individuals who can make the world a better place to live.
    Furthermore we need more job creators than job seekers.
    I feel this subject should be made compulsory for all commerce students.

    Sarbani Sanyal.

    1. Thank you so much. Yes the subject is very relevant for commerce students .


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