Hello students, I am sure you all are doing fine and studying really hard to make your dreams come true. Since time is a big factor now, I will keep this blog of mine short and try to put in all those pieces of information which might help you to score better in your Entrepreneurship Practical. So, let us start.


1. Cover the project files neatly and properly- Some schools will instruct you to cover your files with only and only brown paper whereas some schools and teachers will allow you to use your quotient of innovativeness and creativity as regards to the file cover. Whatever might be the situation do ensure that the files are covered neatly and properly and if decorated, contains only relevant things (DO NOT UNNECESSARILY ADD STICKERS OR GLITTER TAPES OR PICTURES OF THINGS THAT HAS ABSOLUTELY NO CONNECTION WITH YOUR CONTENT). Your cover should have the following details ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROJECT 1/2 ( Market Survey/Business Plan may also be mentioned), ACADEMIC YEAR/SESSION and BOARDS ROLL NUMBER.

2. Trim the papers and ensure they are all of the same sizes- Your files look untidy and it creates a bad impression on the external if you have papers sticking out of it. Make an effort to trim the pages and arrange them in order. Preferably the sizes of the papers should be A4. You can even go for a hand made file cover if you have issues with trimming the pages.

3. Draft the index page with precision - Your index page should preferably have the following columns- SERIAL NO, PARTICULARS, PAGE NO. TEACHERS SIGNATURE AND DATE and the REMARKS column. Remember to mention the page numbers beside each topic.

4. Keep the acknowledgment page short, simple, crisp - I do understand  that for many of you your individual project is actually never  individual in nature but rather a group effort of friends, friends of friends, tuition teacher, family members, google etc and you feel like thanking them all in that acknowledgment page of yours but I would suggest you keep it simple and short and official. And for the rest, you can always give them a treat someday, somewhere else.

5. Know your content well- You should be fully aware of what you are writing in your project file. You should have a full grasp of and control over your content. Some students make the mistake of putting in information more than what they can handle and that creates a negative impression and puts a question mark on the authenticity of the project. Remember greatness is not in how well you google the matter and put into your file, greatness is how well you tackle the questions that are thrown at you during the viva. Trust me, students, you can answer confidently once you know the matter well.

6. State the formulas - For the written part (numerical), do remember to state the complete formula before you start solving it. Formulas do carry marks.

7. Show the workings clearly- Do not jump the steps for the numerical and show the workings clearly else you will lose the chance of scoring the full marks.

8. Be courteous and polite- Courtesy and politeness are expected from you and it doesn't cost you a thing to be polite and courteous but yes it definitely helps in creating a positive impression about you.

9. Dress up properly- Yes it's true that a teacher will not judge you by your looks but as a student, you are supposed to present yourself well in front of the external. Also, do remember you are not just representing yourself but also your school and you shouldn't let it down. Dress up properly, pay attention to how you do your hair, your shoes, socks, tie, and overall getup.

Hope you find these tips useful and in case you do feel free to leave ur comments in the box below. In case you have liked it, spread the word and share the blog. BEST OF LUCK!

With love,

PDG Ma'am.


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